# # makefile: # makefile for TOOLS\XUNLOCK directory. # # Called from: main makefile # # Input: files in this directory # # Output: xunlock.exe, copied to modules directory. # # Say hello to yourself. !if [@echo +++++ Entering $(MAKEDIR)] !endif # include setup (compiler options etc.) !include ..\..\config.in !include ..\..\make\setup.in # FIXED MACROS # ------------ # Define the suffixes for files which NMAKE will work on. .SUFFIXES: .c .obj # OUTPUTDIR specifies the directory where all the output .OBJ # files will be created in. OUTPUTDIR = $(XWP_OUTPUT_ROOT)\exe_st !if [@echo OUTPUTDIR is $(OUTPUTDIR)] !endif MODULESDIR = $(XWP_OUTPUT_ROOT)\modules # create output directory !if [@md ..\..\bin 2> NUL] !endif !if [@md $(OUTPUTDIR) 2> NUL] !endif !if [@md $(MODULESDIR) 2> NUL] !endif # The main target: all: $(MODULESDIR)\xunlock.exe $(COPY) $(MODULESDIR)\xunlock.exe $(XWPRUNNING)\bin @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) # "xunlock" executable $(MODULESDIR)\xunlock.exe: $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(@B).obj makefile $(LINK) /OUT:$(MODULESDIR)\$(@B).exe /PMTYPE:VIO $(OUTPUTDIR)\$(@B).obj # .OBJs for executables in this directory $(OUTPUTDIR)\xunlock.obj: $(@B).c # use '/Rn' (no runtime environment) to keep the size down .c{$(OUTPUTDIR)}.obj: @ echo Compiling $(@B).c: !ifndef PRECH $(CC_EXE_ST) /Rn /Fo$(OUTPUTDIR)\$(@B).obj $(@B).c !else $(CC_EXE_ST) /Rn /fi"$(PRECH)\$(@B).pch" /si"$(PRECH)\$(@B).pch" -I$(INC) /Fo$(OUTPUTDIR)\$(@B).obj $(@B).c !endif