/* */ /* createchangelog.cmd: this calls xdoc.exe on all the *.c files in \main and \frontend to have a plain-text CHANGELOG file generated from the sources. xdoc.exe must be in ..\xwphelpers (which is true if you have checked out the xwphelpers repository). */ 'echo on' cmd = '..\xwphelpers\xdoc -C "-iinclude;..\xwphelpers\include"' cmd = cmd' src\classes\*.c src\config\*.c src\Daemon\*.c src\filesys\*.c src\hook\*.c '; cmd = cmd'src\media\*.c src\shared\*.c src\startshut\*.c src\widgets\*.c src\xcenter\*.c '; cmd = cmd'..\xwphelpers\src\helpers\*.c'; cmd;