/**/ wpistem = 'xwp-1-0-13' filetime = '01:13:30' /**/ call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', 'RexxUtil', 'SysLoadFuncs' call SysLoadFuncs parse arg reldir countrycode . if reldir = '' then do say 'Usage: makewpi []' say say 'Country code defaults to 001 if omitted or invalid' return end if datatype(countrycode) \= 'NUM' | countrycode < 0 | countrycode > 999 then countrycode = 1 wisfile = right(countrycode, 3, '0')'\xwp'right(countrycode, 3, '0')'.wis' select when countrycode = 1 then wpistem = wpistem'-en' when countrycode = 31 then wpistem = wpistem'-nl' when countrycode = 34 then wpistem = wpistem'-es' when countrycode = 39 then wpistem = wpistem'-it' when countrycode = 49 then wpistem = wpistem'-de' when countrycode = 81 then wpistem = wpistem'-ja' otherwise do wpistem = wpistem'-'right(countrycode, 3, '0') wisfile = 'xwp.wis' end end packages.0 = 3 packages.1.id = 1 packages.1.dir = 'kernel' packages.2.id = 1000 + countrycode packages.2.dir = right(countrycode, 3, '0') packages.3.id = 2000 + countrycode packages.3.dir = 'inf'right(countrycode, 3, '0') makedir = directory() reldir = directory(reldir) if reldir = '' then do say 'Invalid release directory' return end warpindir = SysIni(USER, 'WarpIN', 'Path') if warpindir = 'ERROR:' | warpindir = '' then do say 'WarpIN is not installed correctly' return end call directory warpindir wic1 = '@wic' reldir'\'wpistem '-a' wic2 = '' do i = 1 to packages.0 wic2 = wic2 packages.i.id '-r -c'reldir'\'packages.i.dir '*' call setfiletime reldir'\'packages.i.dir end wic3 = '-u -s' makedir'\'wisfile call SysFileDelete reldir'\'wpistem'.exe' wic1 wic2 wic3 call directory makedir return setfiletime: procedure expose filetime makedir parse arg pkgdir call SysFileTree pkgdir'\*', 'stem', 'FOS' filedate = date('S') filedate = left(filedate,4)'-'substr(filedate,5,2)'-'substr(filedate,7,2) do i = 1 to stem.0 call SysSetFileDateTime stem.i, filedate, filetime '@'makedir'\tools\setftime' stem.i end return