# # makefile_dll: # makefile for src/helpers directory. # # See "makefile" for remarks. # # This is used with WarpIN for preparing the runtime # DLL which is shared between the WarpIN executables. # # As opposed to "makefile", this does not create # helpers.lib, but only the objects files, which are # then linked with the other shared components into # the runtime DLL. # # Edit "setup.in" to set up the make process. # # Say hello to yourself. !if [@echo +++++ Entering $(MAKEDIR)\makefile_dll] !endif !include helpers_pre.in # The main target: # If we're called from the main makefile, MAINMAKERUNNING is defined, # and we'll set $(OBJS) as our targets (which will go on). # Otherwise, we call the main makefile, which will again call ourselves later. all: \ !ifndef MAINMAKERUNNING callmainmake @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) !else makedll #$(OBJS) @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) !endif callmainmake: @echo $(MAKEDIR)\makefile: Recursing to main makefile. @cd $(PROJECT_BASE_DIR) $(MAKE) -nologo @echo $(MAKEDIR)\makefile: Returned from main makefile. Done. # # new target "makedll": # this simply produces all the object files. # makedll: $(OBJS) @echo ----- Leaving $(MAKEDIR) !include helpers_post.in