/* Make XWorkplace Widget Library */ "@echo off" "setlocal" /* This will call nmake to (re)build XWP Widgets Library completely. Note that there are some directory checks below which might not apply to your system, because I am also using this script to update my "private" XWorkplace parts which are not included in the source distribution. This applies mostly to all the different NLS sources. However, this script is smart enough though to check for the existence of those directories. Please check the below variables and adjust them to your system before using this file. Also check the "setup.in" file, which has a few more options. */ /* Change the following if you need some cmd file which sets compiler environent variables; otherwise comment this out. This is only because I don't like all the VAC++ settings in CONFIG.SYS. If you have a standard VAC and toolkit installation with all the variables set up in CONFIG.SYS, you can comment these lines out. */ "if exist envicc.cmd call envicc.cmd" "if exist envproject.cmd call envproject.cmd" /* Set other required environment variables for the built process. YOU MUST SET THESE, or building will fail. See PROGREF.INF for details. */ /* CVS_WORK_ROOT must point to the root of your CVS tree. */ /* SET CVS_WORK_ROOT= */ /* XWPRUNNING (current XFolder/XWorkplace installation from where WPS classes are registered; the executables in there will be unlocked by the makefiles) */ /* SET XWPRUNNING= */ /* *** go! */ parse arg opts /* reset timer */ call time("E") mydir = directory(); Say "***********************************************" Say "* Making XWP Widget Library (./MAIN/)... *" Say "***********************************************" "nmake -nologo" opts /* show elapsed time */ seconds = time("e"); /* in seconds */ minutes = trunc(seconds/60); seconds2 = trunc(seconds - (minutes*60)); Say; Say "Done!" Say "Elapsed time: "minutes" minutes, "seconds2" seconds." "endlocal"