Custom Query (100 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 100)

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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#16 bird bird fixed Add CLEAN attrib to all target

Needed especially on the install targets.

#18 bird bird fixed Implement support for .l and .y files

.l is flex input and spits out a .c file. While .y is for yacc/bison and spits out and (yacc) in the current directory. Since the .y files generate headers, they must be executed before any object files are made as it's not possible to predict which depends on the generated header and which doesn't. The name of the .h file should be configurable, but the default should use the input filename sans extension. Because yacc cannot control where it puts the output or what it's called, the rule has to be added to .NOTPARALLEL.

#19 bird bird fixed Qt support

Qt support is needed. It was prototyped in VBox a few years back but need to be incorporated into the kBuild base as an optional feature. Because of this moc thingy there is a fear amount of generated sources and headers which is the difficult bit about it all.

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