Sourcecode for OdinBug 0.5.8 ============================ A. How to compile OdinBug 1. Create a project folder named OdinBug in your VX-REXX projects folder. 2. Unzip this OdinBugSrc058.ZIP in this folder. 3. Open OdinBug.VRP using VRXedit. B. Conventions that are used by me in this project: First of all, the source is not well documented, sorry, this will improve in the future. 1. Variables, GUI object names and INI keys for one information should have one name, for instance: Variable name: Logfile GUI Object: EF_Logfile (indicating an Entryfield) INI-Key: Logfile (case sensitive!) I think there are two exceptions to this rule in the project (these were accidents). 2. I do not store any information directly in a GUI object, i.e. for every purpose, there exists a variable and (if necessary) a GUI object. Appropriate measures have to be taken to syncronize these two (or three). Check for event routines tied to the entryfields on the settings page and for the subroutines _GUIInit, _GUIEMailInit, _GUIRedraw and _GUIRedraw2 to get an idea how I do this. Please, no discussion, whether this is sensible or not. I want it this way in OdinBug, and I ask you to respect this (but you are welcome to tell me how to do it better for my next program). 3. User defined subroutines should start with an underscore. Note: The VX-REXX IDE has a bug, which makes it crash if a routine beginning with underscore is deleted. So you have to rename it before deleteing it. Sorry, I did not know that before I introduced this convention. 4. OdinBug does not (and should not) write anything to OS2.INI or OS2SYS.INI! Everything should be written to OdinBug.INI residing in the same directory as OdinBug.EXE. 5. OdinBug must run without it's INI file. There has to be a reasonable default value for every single INI entry. If the default value is empty, there has to be a line of comment about that in the subroutine _INIRead. C. Please, share any changes you make, with me, because OdinBug is still under development and I do not want different branches with different bugs/features. D. Author: Herwig Bauernfeind, 10-01-2003 EMail: