Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#185 closed defect (fixed)

T61 hangs at loading SCEEN01.SYS

Reported by: Chuck McKinnis Owned by: pasha
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: ACPI PSD Version: 3.05
Keywords: Cc:


Lenovo Thinkpad T61 6465-CTO hangs at loading SCREEN01.SYS. OS eComStation 2.0 rc4. ACPI parameters are /PIC /EIS

There is the same problem with test version dated 29122007.

Change History (15)

by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Attachment: T61.jpg added


by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Attachment: T61.2.jpg added


in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Replying to guest:

Thinkpad T6x -> you should try /APIC /SMP read

BIOS configuration shows that all PCI LINKA-LINKH assign to IRQ 11. And I have ACPI.CFG with LINK statements: LINK LNKA 11 ... LINK LNKH 11

But I'm a bit confused with result of scanpci, because it tells (for instance, for INT# A):

System IRQ 10, INT# A System IRQ 11, INT# A

Maybe I have to change assignment for these IRQs in BIOS configuration and in ACPI.CFG accordingly?

by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Attachment: acpi.cfg added

by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Attachment: T61.lst added

comment:3 by eco, 17 years ago

So, you don't have a choice, you should enable APIC mode, /SMP /APIC maybe you need /CD

comment:4 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

I am running on my T61 without any obvious problems (except sound and a battery strength of 255%). I used the ACPI wizard to enable the dual core and did not make any manual changes. CONFIG.SYS has PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /APIC. My video driver is SNAP. The file system is JFS. ACPI.CFG has no active entries. I have all of the PCI entries in the BIOS set to "Auto Select".

Chuck McKinnis

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Replying to guest:

I am running on my T61 without any obvious problems (except sound and a battery strength of 255%). I used the ACPI wizard to enable the dual core and did not make any manual changes. CONFIG.SYS has PSD=ACPI.PSD /SMP /APIC. My video driver is SNAP. The file system is JFS. ACPI.CFG has no active entries. I have all of the PCI entries in the BIOS set to "Auto Select".

Chuck McKinnis

Thank you for fast and clear message.

I have done the following steps:

  1. I changed all the PCI settings to Auto Select (manufacturer settings for all PCI were IRQ 11) and rebooted without ACPI - OK.
  2. I used ACPI wizard to activate ACPI support with parameters /APIC /SMP and to install SMP kernel.
  3. I rebooted computer - it hanged at loading SCREEN01.SYS.
  4. I installed debug version of ACPI.PSD and rebooted - there are many messages "Emm wait lock <NUMBER>". I waited for 30000. Should I wait a bit longer?
  5. I installed test version dated 29122007 and rebooted - notebook hanged at loading SCREEN01.SYS.
  6. I downgraded ACPI to version 3.03 and rebooted - OK.

Conclusion: ACPI 3.03 works with T61, ACPI 3.05 does not work with T61. I can use my T61 to test new versions of ACPI.

BTW - battery widget shows right value with APM 1.20.

Oleg Zhukov

comment:6 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

T61 also hangs at loading SCREEN01.SYS with ACP 3.06.

Oleg Zhukov

comment:7 by pasha, 17 years ago

Please download experimental ACPI build from Mensys site:

  • Experimental build for you:

comment:8 by lewisr, 17 years ago

PMFJI, but I just yesterday installed RC4 (ACPI 3.05) on a T61 with /SMP /APIC, and it works consistently with no tweaking of any kind. I suggest using the Panorama driver for the video instead of SNAP on this model, too (this was not my first T61 to set up eCS).

No sound here, either; waiting on a newer ALSA resync to support HD audio.

Power meter issue requires beer battery widget; I get consistent results from this one.

comment:9 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Hello Pasha,

I installed ACPI version 3.06 with ACPI.PSD from It works! Do you need additional info?

To lewisr - I also use eCS 2.0 rc4 with Panorama. What about Ethernet adapter? On my T61 driver is loaded, adapter sends and receives packets, but it can not obtain IP-address from DHCP server. I think, zeroed MAC-address causes that behaviour.

Oleg Zhukov

comment:10 by jojo, 17 years ago

Please update to xwlan310 GA (can be found on Hobbes) - it will resolve the issue with the network, see also: and

comment:11 by Chuck McKinnis, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

OK, T61 is working again. thx

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