The font object sample view shows you a sample string in various sizes to allow you to test what the font looks like without having to select it into an application.

In addition, the font sample view can display a graphical representation of some of the font metrics. Font metrics are specified by the font's designer to give additional information about spacings and sizes to the font rendering engine.

(For programmers: With &os2;, font metrics are contained in a FONTMETRICS structure, which is described in the PM Programming Reference.*)

Font metrics have been added to the &xwp; font sample view to allow you to find out whether maybe a font file is broken. In addition, this might help programmers to find out what all the misnamed fields in &os2;'s FONTMETRICS structure really represent.

You can select the metrics to be displayed from an open sample view's &popmenu;.

If you find all this confusing, simply disable all font metrics display and never use it again. Otherwise see "Font metrics" for details.