Opened 12 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#12 closed task (wontfix)

Trac wiki describes support mailing list, but it does not appear to exist

Reported by: Lewisr Owned by: Steven Levine
Priority: minor Milestone: Release-1.8.16
Component: danis506.add Version: 1.8.15
Keywords: mailing list gmane ezmlm Cc:


Is it just my login or am I looking in the wrong place? I can find no danis506 list amongst the Netlabs Gmane lists, nor do I have a clue as to how to check the ezMLM lists. I know that Adrian was going to migrate over to ezMLM, though I thought that had not happened as yet.

Anyway, a discussion list for this project would be nice. ;-)

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Steven Levine

It's not you. There's lots of TRAC email and ezmlm work pending. All of this can only be done by Adrian and the work has not gotten to the top of this TODO list. He's on vacation at the moment, but I plan an pinging him when he returns.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by diver

as you dropped that part on the wiki, i would also close that ticket.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Steven Levine

Milestone: Release-1.8.16
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Version: 1.8.15

It appears that and XATA specific mailing is not going to happen. Traffic is low enough that the ticketing system and the existing mailing lists and newsgroups should suffice.

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